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December 15, 2012
Accepting the Lead

I don't know how it happened that I ended up being a leader. It was never anything I took any interest in during my career. I was perfectly happy just to wheel and deal and be a salesman. I didn't have a team under me; it was just me and the product line. That work had more than its share of responsibility though. In fact some of that responsibility and my internal aversion to it no doubt led to a lot of the poltergeist behaviour in my house, since after all the ghost was me. Now here I am with a number of people looking to me for guidance and direction. What gives me the right to do that?

Is it because I charge blindly into danger? Is it because I am incapable of being idle while heinous things go on? Is it because I refuse to let harm come to those around me? Is it because I will defend the people I care about at the expense of the mangling and murdering of others who would do the same to us? Is it because I condemn those who sit on the sidelines when they could take action to do the right thing and save lives? Sarah sitting, watching over my shoulder, as I type says, "Yes, it's a good start."

Okay, I will accept the mantle--hopefully without being as pompous as that just sounded in my head. I will take charge. I will try to point us the right way. I will be a good example. I will listen. I will take advice and criticism, and let the experience and knowledge of my team work for us. I'll add when I can and stand aside when I cannot. I won't ask for what I won't do. I won't do what our group conscience can't stand. There are prices, there are costs, but there are lines we can't cross no matter how easy it would be to do so. I've never believed the ends justify the means and I refuse to start now.

So if you are out there thinking you can do what you will. If you think your importance is greater than everyone else's. If you think you can abuse the weak. If you think you can endanger people unlike you or even the ones the same. If you think you can get away with whatever you want and no one will dare to stand up to you. Then think again and look out, because we are here, and we will do everything we can to set you straight or put and end to your wickedness.

Now, this is my last post for the year. I want everyone to have a safe and happy holiday season. Merry Christmas, and have a happy New Years! Not only is Santa watching, but also so are we.

Tags: abuse, Christmas, evil, ghosts, murder, New Years, poltergeists, responsibility, Sarah Jayne, team.

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