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May 5, 2012
Explaining April 28th

I thought I'd kept you long enough last week. Perhaps I should have said so before just dumping in the tags.

Let me explain what happened that day, now that I have a better handle on it. Time lends perspective and all of that. Sandra Delcan and Griffin Crowther came after me because they thought that I would turn them over to the O.S.I.R. Sandra's puppet and whatever entity used it as a body tried to kill me. Sarah had called in reinforcements prior to this fearing just a thing. They came ready to capture Sandra and Griffin. They came prepared to handle Klavier. I can only imagine that without someone with the right gifts we all would have died.

The person with the right gifts was none other than Myron Nath, the man that approached me about dealing with my haunting. As much as Tim and the WPIS were going about everything all wrong, Myron actually is capable of dealing with the entities and psychics responsible for hauntings. He came at just the right time and dominated Klavier. Sarah had tried to shut off Klavier's anger, but that didn't stop his intellect from continuing on with his murderous plans. Myron, or somebody else later, destroyed whatever Klavier really was and left the wooden toy just lifeless wood and metal eyelets. Sandra was shot dead trying to kill Myron and they took Griffin away.

They, Myron's people, were not O.S.I.R. or law enforcement or anything official like that. Myron is just a concerned psychic with friends, some of them psychic too, with the others being sympathetic to our cause. Things didn't have to turn out the way they did if Sandra wasn't so hell-bent on killing me. If she and Griffin didn't go about killing O.S.I.R. agents in cold blood. Griffin confessed--screamed at the top of his lungs--that he was the one who planned everything so it should have been him they'd executed.

I don't know where Myron took Griffin or what they would do with him. He's not physically dangerous like Sandra. Myron said he would give him Klavier once it was just an "it" again and not a he.

Mr. Peterson and the O.S.I.R. took Sandra's body, or so he told me when we met this week. He was put out that I didn't hand over Griffin. He told me his deal still stood and I told him where he could shove it. He seemed almost bemused and then he left. I find it suspicious he didn't want to know who Myron really was, or who he works with, or if he works for somebody else. It's not like Mr. Peterson not to dig into it. Those are questions that I would like answers to myself, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. Myron saved my life.

Tags: entities, Griffin Crowther, Klavier, mental domination, Myron Nath, O.S.I.R., Mr. Peterson, OSIR, Sandra Delcan, Tim, WPIS Team Leader.

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