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March 17, 2012
Keep It Under Wraps

Last week Sarah painted a pretty dark picture. Sadly I cannot say that this isn't the case. I cannot say that I disagree with any of her warnings. What she didn't have time for last week was a third reason to try and avoid confrontations with the agents. That reason also ties into one of the biggest questions you should be asking yourself about this world we live in. Have you wondered why you don't see evidence of psychic abilities being used? Why there aren't videos of people making cops' guns fly out of their hands. Why other than those weird little videos like the one I discussed a long time ago that you don't see people floating around or pitched through the air?

The answer is that there is a cover up. The O.S.I.R. does not want people to know that there are real, powerful, and sometimes dangerous psychics among us. They don't want people to know they are waging a war on their own soil. The real kick in the pants though is that we don't want everyone to know either. I mean psychics when I say we. For every one of the non-gifted that would embrace or at least tolerate us there must be a dozen who'd want the O.S.I.R. to step up the fight and eradicate us for children's and safety's sake. You've seen how any other small group is treated if it can even marginally be seen as a threat to the right and good things in the world.

Certainly those who would use their gifts for gain or revenge or mischief will only prove the point that we need to be dealt with. What would you do if anyone who can't be spotted as a bad guy, has a weapon that can't be seen or confiscated, and could be up to anything, was lurking near you? So not only do we need to watch when we use our gifts, but we also need to keep an eye out for bad apples endangering us, and also those that don't know better.

I guess I should point out that if you need to use them to defend yourself or others you should use your gifts. It's safe to use them in front of agents that already know about you. It may even be safe to use them in front of regular law enforcement since the agents will try to silence them, but that may be a reason not to do that. The first step of that is they convince the officer that it's in their best interest to be quiet for the sake of not sounding crazy, or for job security or to protect the nation. If that doesn't work they use threats against their job or incarceration on mental instability or the like. If that still doesn't keep the officer quiet they may kidnap them or arrange an accident. Luckily they don't take off with or arrest regular citizens, they just ridicule them into silence and dismiss them as cranks.

I could go on, and I may next week. Turns out its St. Patrick's Day today. I used to love St. Paddy's. It's too dangerous now to go out like I used to. Sarah and I will just have to have our own drunken bash. See you next week.

Tags: agents, civilian, evil, Ms. Jayne, Assistant to Myron Nath, law, O.S.I.R., police, psychic, psychokinesis, secrets.

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