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March 24, 2012
No Reasoning With Him

What a long day. I would have not posted this week, but I wanted to let you know right away what happened. I spoke with Mr. Peterson today. Are you surprised? Shocked? I might have been both myself if I hadn't gone to quite some effort to do so. It was not well received, but the first thing that I did was to apologize for what I had done to him. I cannot blame him for feeling the anger he does, despite his own actions that put him in a position to be hurt. He lost the eye that I pulled out of its socket accidentally. There was a struggle to save it that failed and made him all the more bitter--he said so himself.

It started when I made a scene at the mall down the street from our motel. It was surprisingly soon after that the first O.S.I.R. agents showed up. I guessed that like every time before, that Mr. Peterson would personally show up. He's taken an obvious personal interest in my case. Sure enough it wasn't long before we spotted him. I won't get into details about how we separated the agents and got time alone with Mr. Peterson. However, I did end up having to fight one of them. That almost makes it sound fair.

I do not yet have the knack for safely using my gift in a heated altercation. I can't throw someone and sap away most of the force so that they don't hit as hard. Not like when I thought it was a ghost that threw that fraud psychic. The first thing I did was I ripped the gun out of this agent's hand. I could hear one or more fingers snap. I could have pulled it differently with the same force and not hurt him, but honestly I'm still mad at what they have done to my life. Then I knocked him on his backside and then ass over teakettle.

The point of it all was to see if Mr. Peterson could be reasoned with, or barring that understand what made him come at me so hard in the first place before I'd even done anything to him, before I even knew I was anything other than someone suddenly haunted by a ghost. I didn't get a satisfactory answer. I didn't get any sense that he could be persuaded to let me go or spend less time coming after me or give any concession or quarter. Since he'd been disarmed and both of us knew he couldn't so much as put a hand on me I also don't think I could beat him into giving up. I mean what is the point in proving to him that I am an actual danger?

I gave him the choice of walking away today and that only made him angrier. So I did the best thing I figure I could. I tackled him and then punched him in the side until I could get a moment to get some leverage and sit up to punch him in the face until I thought he'd had enough. I don't think he'd ever imagine I would just pummel him with my fists. I backed away and he pulled a backup gun on me. Talk about audacity. I made gun fly out of his hand the nice way. Then, and I maybe shouldn't have done it, but I broke his wrist pulling it to the side, and wrenched his forearm back until the scream he let out was too terrible for me to bear. I likely tore his bicep. I then shouted at him that he wouldn't get an apology for this and while he was still screaming and writhing in pain I got away.

Tags: O.S.I.R., Mr. Peterson, OSIR, psychokinesis, reasons.

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