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November 22, 2014
Springing the Trap

This is Josh. Yes, you are reading that right. I am alive. Sarah is alive. I have a lot to tell you. First up is that the Minnesota branch of the O.S.I.R. has been decimated. Let me start at the beginning now...

Back before the silence on the blog there was a sniper on the loose killing people. To keep a long story short my team and I tracked down the sniper. He wasn't using a gun but instead his gift. That turned out to be false. There was a gun and it fired bullets that were essentially made out of a frozen gas. Don't ask me the details on that; I don't understand them, but take it as true since I saw them with my own eyes. That's getting ahead of the story though.

We tracked down the shooter's location and Sarah and I were the ones to find him. I immediately saw the rifle and knew something was wrong. I pulled the gun from his hands as I strode across the room of the abandoned office building he had chosen as his spot to shoot a new target. That was when metal slats rolled down over the windows and bars shot across the door. Gas started to fill the room from the floor and the ceiling. There wasn't anything I could do. How do you grab air? I guess others can, but that's a very specific gift.

Sarah and I were knocked out and taken away to an O.S.I.R. building to be killed. Thing is, the O.S.I.R. wasn't the only one with a plan. They grabbed Jack and Jenny disguised as Sarah and I. I have to hand it to Jack doing that, and of course he and Jenny for volunteering. We had a tracker on both of them that the O.S.I.R. couldn't detect. A Protectorate member helped us. We were a safe distance behind the O.S.I.R. kidnappers and we stormed the office almost immediately. They didn't know what hit them as I threw them around. Sarah left one agent a blubbering mess and another screamed herself hoarse.

I know it may seem a disturbing trend but when you don't want to kill, but you do want to punish those that kill without remorse, you have to do extreme, and sometimes lasting things to people. I bludgeoned the sniper's hands with a desk drawer until I thought I must have broken every bone in them. Sarah and I determined he did all the killings--there were reports in the office. The victims were just random people that the O.S.I.R. decided should be sacrificed to draw me in. I can't let wickedness like that stand. With that in mind we took the fight to the main O.S.I.R. branch in Minnesota.

We laid siege to that place. I won't say how many Protectorate members were involved, but it was enough to storm the place and take it over completely. We captured the staff with only a couple unavoidable deaths. I didn't want any, but these were heavily armed agents with no problem killing anyone they want. We gave the rest two choices: find a new line of work or die right there. All of them decided to quit hunting us. To make sure of that each has a watcher assigned to them. Four of them weren't being honest and have been executed since then.

Melvin made copies of all of their data and determined where all of the back ups are physically located. The Protectorate methodically destroyed all of the computer hardware at those locations and Melvin and I broke all of the gear in the main office that needed to be broken and we left with the parts. The Minnesota O.S.I.R. is nothing but a bad memory now. We have no idea when they will set up a new shop if they haven't already. There is only one loose end that escaped us. Tommy Dearing was nowhere to be found. I just received word this week from Mr. Peterson that Tommy was scooped up by the O.S.I.R. and is likely on permanent vacation for not only orchestrating the deaths of random decent prime people, but also being taken in and losing his entire operation.

That leave us with this. I must profusely apologize publicly to Madan Sarcova for the torment I put her through thinking Sarah and I were dead. I already apologized in person, even getting to my knees to try and prove my sincerity. Oh, and if Tam Nguyen is willing she can post here to the blog if she has something to share. Maybe we can organize it so she takes up the slack when I fail to produce. We'll see. For now rest easy, I'm going to try to.

Tags: Jack Tourmaline, Jenny Brumal, Joshua Rhoads, Madam Sarcova, Melvin Klein, Minnesota, murder, O.S.I.R., Mr. Peterson, OSIR, The Protectorate, Sarah Jayne, Tommy Dearing, OSIR.

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